Something Wrong with the System

A Flash/Actionscript blog

Sprocket (Circa 2006)

In an effort provide further evidence that I’m still alive and that I still care about this blog I’m posting more old stuff! This time from way back in 2006.

This is a game engine I called Sprocket. Sprocket was my ‘Learn AS2’ project. The code was an absolute mess, but I’m still really proud of the game.

Be sure to check out the cars with working Suspension (jump on them!), the bullet sparks (dynamic!) and the shot gun (use your mouse wheel or the 1 and 2 keys to switch weapons).

I wasn’t the only person to work on this!

The background graphics are by Trevor Goodwin.
The Character Sprites are by Justin Chan.
The Music is by Ragozzino
The title screen is by Marcin Zajkowski

You can see the game in action here

May 29th, 2010 by Peter Organa
Posted in AS1, Gaming, Programming, Super Cool | Comments Off on Sprocket (Circa 2006)

The Lander (Circa 2004)

Back in 2004 I worked on a game called ‘The Lander’ it was eventually licensed by and (for not very much money at all).

‘The Lander’ is the project that convinced me that maybe I should continue working in Flash and ActionScript.

Anyway.  For the past 5 years ‘The Lander’ was hosted by my friend Mario Tan (this is back from the time when I was too poor to afford web hosting).  Mario’s hosting has finally expired, so I’m hosting it myself.

WARNING: This game is old (written in Flash 6!) and super buggy.     It is not an indicator of my current skill set!

You can play the game here

August 3rd, 2009 by Peter Organa
Posted in AS1, Gaming, Not Programming, Programming | Comments Off on The Lander (Circa 2004)