Something Wrong with the System

A Flash/Actionscript blog

Flash Pie Chart complete in Flash AS3 AND Flex!

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Before I begin I’d like to point out that you can buy this 3D Flash Pie Chart for $10 from this link.

About half a lifetime ago I posted about the Pie Chart I was working on.

I spent a hell of a lot of time turning that AS3 Pie Chart into a proper component. Adding a lot of behind the scenes functionality. Making it Flex compatible. Making sure it was 100% code based. As well as writing up a bunch of documentation.

What I was left with was a Flash Pie Chart which looks almost exactly like the one I did in September except this one has a lot of useful functionality for developers and is much more CPU efficient.

I’ve been selling the Pie Chart component on Activeden (formerly Flashden) and folks seem happy: a 5 star rating and lots of positive feedback!

Anyway if you’re in the market for an AS3 based Pie Chart you can get an awesome one written by me. It’s only $10.

Also, I’m sorry I haven’t posted in such a long time. I recently bought my first condo and haven’t had time to work on side projects! Things are starting to settle down now, and I’m already thinking of a new swarm based project.

March 11th, 2010 by Peter Organa
Posted in Flash Components, Programming, Super Cool | Comments Off on Flash Pie Chart complete in Flash AS3 AND Flex!

Making AS3 components is harder than I’d imagined…

I’ve updated the Flash Pie Chart, made it more awesome and put it up for sale on ActiveDen as a Flash component and Flex Class!
Check it out! It’s pretty rad!

So as I wrote earlier I’m working on transforming my 3D Pie Chart into a proper AS3 component.  Holy crap, it’s harder than I thought!

By far the most useful resource I’ve found is this one written by Jeff Kamerer from Adobe.  The document is divided into 9 parts (it’s a small book!) and covers:

I’ve trudged my way through the first 3 parts and… GREAT SUCCESS!  I’ve got my Pie Chart publishing from a component inspector window (shown on the left).

The bit of code that caused me the most grief is the section that pertains to the dataProvider.  It seems that if I want custom parameters in my Component Inspector I need to create my own DataProvider classes.

[Collection(collectionClass="ca.organa.Data.Collect", collectionItem="ca.organa.Data.ComponentInfo", identifier="sliceLabel", name="Pie Chart Data")]
 public function set dataProvider(value:Collection):void {
 if (_dataProvider != null) {
  _dataProvider.removeEventListener(DataChangeEvent.DATA_CHANGE, handleDataChange);
  _dataProvider = value;
  _dataProvider.addEventListener(DataChangeEvent.DATA_CHANGE, handleDataChange, false, 0, true);

Jeff covers the topic here.

I’ll post about components again once I’ve gone further into this stuff.  My next challenges are going to be getting live preview working, and getting a proper colour picker in the component inspector (is that even possible?). Read the rest of this entry »

September 8th, 2009 by Peter Organa
Posted in AS3, Flash Components, Programming, Source Code | Comments Off on Making AS3 components is harder than I’d imagined…

My AS3 3D Pie Chart

I’ve updated the Flash Pie Chart, made it more awesome and put it up for sale on ActiveDen as a Flash component and Flex Class!
Check it out! It’s pretty rad!

First an FYI, this is a showing off post.  I’m not sharing the source for this as I’d like to explore the idea of selling the Pie Chart as a Flash Component.

Recently at work I’ve been doing on a bunch of charts (mostly analytics style lines graphs).  When I was finished, I thought to myself: “Well I haven’t done a Pie Chart yet”.
Ultimately, it took me 5 times longer than I would have ever expected, but I did create a fully functional 3D Pie Chart!

  • This is a true 3D Pie Chart with rotation.
  • This is done completely with Flash’s draw API, I don’t make use of Flash10 3D features or Papervision
  • The Pie chart is resizable and all the data/colours are externally configuarable.  You can even change the view angle.

Read the rest of this entry »

September 4th, 2009 by Peter Organa

Zoom In/Out Image viewer (.swf & source)

First of all, I made it to ten posts! W00, I really wasn’t sure if I’d make it this far.

Recently at work, I had to write an AS3 image viewer with zoom and pan capabilities. It was a lot harder than I had anticipated. I decided to write another (much better) version for the blog. I’m hoping that by releasing this code I’m saving a couple people a lot of grief.

You can zoom in/out with the buttons in the bottom right corner, or by using your mouse wheel (Mouse wheel might not work on a Mac! Let me know if it’s an issue or if you have a solution).

After the break you can see the application in action.

I’ll also try to explain some of the ActionScript parts I found interesting.

Read the rest of this entry »

May 18th, 2008 by Peter Organa