Something Wrong with the System

A Flash/Actionscript blog

My AS3 3D Pie Chart

I’ve updated the Flash Pie Chart, made it more awesome and put it up for sale on ActiveDen as a Flash component and Flex Class!
Check it out! It’s pretty rad!

First an FYI, this is a showing off post.  I’m not sharing the source for this as I’d like to explore the idea of selling the Pie Chart as a Flash Component.

Recently at work I’ve been doing on a bunch of charts (mostly analytics style lines graphs).  When I was finished, I thought to myself: “Well I haven’t done a Pie Chart yet”.
Ultimately, it took me 5 times longer than I would have ever expected, but I did create a fully functional 3D Pie Chart!

  • This is a true 3D Pie Chart with rotation.
  • This is done completely with Flash’s draw API, I don’t make use of Flash10 3D features or Papervision
  • The Pie chart is resizable and all the data/colours are externally configuarable.  You can even change the view angle.

Get Adobe Flash player

Drag the chart to rotate.  Mouse Over to highlight sections.

As I mentioned earlier, I’d like to make this into a proper component.  I’ll be working on that in the near future and should be posting any results to the blog.
Also, a special thanks goes out to William my Algorithm Consultant, he’s responsible for pretty much all the brilliant bits in this project.

September 4th, 2009 by Peter Organa

4 Responses to “My AS3 3D Pie Chart”

  1. Chris Says:

    I thought they were _all_ “showing off posts”?

    Well done, especially the attention to detail in naming the slices. That should be hard-coded in.

  2. Evan Says:

    How does power pill be eat?

    Oh and nice job.

  3. Linkjun Says:

    is cooooool

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